Weapon X-Men
#1, Marvel introduced a brand-new corner of the Multiverse, which includes a redesigned Avengers Tower and a combined Avengers/X-Men logo, showcasing a possible future version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe where X-Men fully integrate with the Avengers.
The Uncanny Avengers Tower serves as a symbol of mutants being accepted into society, with a coalition of X-Men and Avengers operating together – though this was featured in an alternate timeline in
Weapon X-Men
#1, it offers a potential vision of what the upcoming phases of the MCU could promise.
With mutants set to join the MCU sooner rather than later, a version of the Uncanny Avengers Tower could appear in future films, as part of Marvel’s ever-evolving on-screen aesthetic.
Warning: Contains spoilers for Weapon X-Men #1 (2024)!A glimpse at a brand-new corner of the Marvel Multiverse introduced readers to the perfect remodel for Avengers Tower, when the X-Men officially join the MCU. Weapon X-Men follows a group of multiversal Wolverines teaming up to stop Onslaught, an ultra-powerful threat combining Magneto and Jean Grey’s powers. In their hunt for Onslaught, the Wolverine team travels to a universe where mutants and humans, including Avengers and X-Men, operate together in harmony.
Weapon X-Men #1 – written by Christos Gage, illustrated by Yildiray Cinar – introduces a timeline where the X-Men have fully integrated with the Avengers, showing the possible outcome of mutants joining the MCU’s premier team.
Though the issue doesn’t end positively for the team after Onslaught’s attack, the Uncanny Avengers and their tower represent a world where mutants and X-Men are fully accepted into society.
The mightiest heroes from the reality designated “Earth-93068” came together during a devastating alien invasion, which caused the deaths of many major Marvel heroes, including Wolverine and Cyclops. Subsequently, Jean Grey and Magneto formed this universe’s version of the Uncanny Avengers, fighting alongside Captain America, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, and Transonic.
10 Best Wolverine Quotes That Prove He’s The X-Men’s Most Hardcore Hero
Wolverine is undoubtedly the X-Men’s most hardcore hero, but how intense does he get? No better man to ask than the man himself, via his best quotes.
Weapon X-Men #1– Written By Christos Gage; Art By Yıldıray Çınar; Color By Nolan Woodard; Lettering By Clayton Cowles
A reinvention of Avengers Tower that embraces the coalition with the X-Men, this new team base features an all-new logo that combines the teams’ X and A letter logos.
In the first appearance of Earth-93068, the band of multiverse-displaced Wolverines meet the Uncanny Avengers. This team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes features Jean Grey and Magneto as the leaders of mutantkind. After a brief misunderstanding, the teams join forces and regroup at Uncanny Avengers Tower in Manhattan. A reinvention of Avengers Tower that embraces the coalition with the X-Men, this new team base features an all-new logo that combines the teams’ X and A letter logos. With a few mutants already joining the MCU and more coming, a version of Uncanny Avengers Tower is possible in future films.
The Uncanny Avengers, aka the Avengers Unity Group, first appeared as part of Marvel Comics’ Marvel NOW! initiative. Uncanny Avengers (2012) #1 – by Rick Remender and John Cassaday – featured Havok joining forces with Captain America and Thor after the cataclysmic Avengers vs X-Men event, to unite members of the two teams. The first iteration of this team also featured Rogue, Wolverine, and the Scarlet Witch as the group fought the Red Skull. Versions of the team in the mainstream Marvel continuity have disbanded and come together in the years since, most recently during the Fall of X event.
The first
characters to join the Avengers were also the first to make it into the MCU;
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver joined way back in
#16 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
“Weapon X-Men” Offers A Hint At The MCU’s Future
Marvel’s On-Screen Aesthetic Will Evolve
Not all mutants have been relegated to the Uncanny edition, there have been several X-Men on the main Avengers team over the years as well. The first X-Men characters to join the Avengers were also the first to make it into the MCU;Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver joined way back in Avengers #16 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Wolverine and Beast are notably on both teams, even fighting on the side of Avengers in the aforementioned Avengers vs X-Men. That arc also featured Storm deciding to leave the Avengers, not long after she joined during her marriage to Black Panther.
With various X-Men that have been on the team before and the Uncanny Avengers still going strong as a concept, the future of mutants in the Avengers franchise is looking bright. Earth-93068’s symbol of the teams’ X and A standing united in the sky provides a powerful look at Marvel’s two top teams existing in perfect harmony.Weapon X-Men’s depiction of Uncanny Avengers Tower shows the best possible conclusion of the X-Men joining and being fully integrated into the MCU.
Weapon X-Men
is available now from Marvel Comics.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a multimedia superhero franchise that began in 2008 with Paramount’s Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. The franchise quickly grew in popularity, with Disney eventually buying out Marvel Entertainment in 2009. The MCU consists of dozens of movies and TV shows, most notably Avengers: Endgame, WandaVision, and Loki.
“}]] Avengers Tower is due for renovations. Read More