With Wolverine’s continued rising popularity during the late 2000s, Marvel Entertainment showcased the hero by having him lead an X-Men team of his own in “Wolverine and the X-Men.” The Nicktoons Network series drew loose inspiration from “Astonishing X-Men”  by Joss Whedon and John Cassady, with more modern looks for the characters and a roster featuring Angel, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Storm, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Beast, Iceman, and Shadowcat. The plot saw Logan assemble the X-Men following the disappearance of Professor X. But, after getting a message from the future from his mentor, Wolverine decides to restart the mutant superteam. 

The show doesn’t rehash the tired origins of its main heroes, instead options to jump right into the action — without being too complicated for non X-Men fans to quickly understand. The 26-episode Season 1 not only features a wide cast of mutants with more modern faces like Dust, Pixie, and X-23 appearing but also guest-stars other Marvel heroes outside of the “X-Men” universe, including an episode featuring the Hulk and Nick Fury. 

If the series does anything wrong, it’s often trying to do too much with its plotlines, but the expansive list of characters may be a welcome sight for longtime viewers and readers. However, your mileage for “Wolverine and the X-Men” might only go as far as how much you love Wolverine, as the show rarely departs from its titular clawed mutant.

 With the first season of “X-Men ’97” nearing its emphatic conclusion, fans will likely be craving another batch of Marvel cartoons more than ever.  Read More  
