With the previous volume of Daredevil, Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, and company created some amazing stories and moments still relevant in the Marvel Universe today. The next writer had to be a Man Without Fear in his own right to follow that volume, and Saladin Ahmed plays the part very nicely. Ahmed takes Matt Murdock on quite the adventure in his new life in his opening arc. Ahmed doesn’t do it alone, and we are treated to some fantastic visuals by artists Aaron Kuder, Farid Karami, and German Peralta, along with colorist Jesus Aburtov. Now, how does this trade paperback collection stand up?
Marvel Comics
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Inside this collection are the first five issues of the Daredevil (2023) series and a variant cover gallery. The gallery has some fantastic covers; I even found myself tracking one down because it looked awesome. Something that I found interesting is the move to five-issue collections. With the way this trade is collecting issues, you get the first arc and then part one of the continuing second arc, so there is more to tell. I recommend this trade paperback to someone unsure of this new creative team’s ability. Still, to someone who is an avid Daredevil collector, I would suggest waiting for a deluxe edition that has all of the “Sins” storyline.
Marvel Comics
Here are some quick snippets, with links to deeper reviews, about the issues in the collection:
Daredevil (2023) # 1 (8.5/10) – “I’m all in on Daredevil’s new direction. The character feels fresh, but his new role as a priest suits the legacy of the character.” (David Brooke)Daredevil (2023) # 2 (8.5/10) – “The character is on a new path of fatherly responsibilities of a priest but also a guardian. Paired with Kuder’s great fight choreography and action you have the makings of another epic run to go down in history.” (David Brooke)Daredevil (2023) # 3 (9/10) – “Daredevil #3 brings exceptional fight comics and the ongoing trouble of Matt’s personal life together wonderfully.” (David Brooke)Daredevil (2023) # 4 (9.5/10) – “The issue will fill you with suspense as you wait for the big confrontation. Awesome insights into Murdock’s mind as he deals with being a holy man who dresses as the devil but fights for the truth.” (Christopher Franey)Daredevil (2023) # 5 (9/10) – “The art in Daredevil #5 crushes, which is fitting since She-Hulk literally crushes things as her muscular body ripples throughout the book. Ahmed progresses his main story forward while there’s a well-written superhero book with heroes doing everyday things on top of it.” (David Brooke)
Marvel Comics
For the overall story content, I enjoy the mystery of Matt Murdock’s new life as “Father Matthew.” Many questions exist about how a person appears and has the job qualifications and proper paperwork. Still, I am okay with setting those questions aside to enjoy which supporting character will be possessed by a Sin to cause havoc in Matt’s new life. The story is a great setup with the possessing of Sin for the art team to craft some wicked visuals and give the readers intense fight scenes, while Saladin Ahmed fits together the Sin and why it is attacking Matt. The mystery is exciting, and it is fun to witness Matt confronted physically and spiritually. Still, you must have endurance as this long story arc won’t be completed in this trade paperback.
Daredevil by Saladin Ahmed Vol. 1: Hell Breaks Loose is an interesting opening arc by Ahmed, Kuder, and company as they have Daredevil reborn into a new life faced with significant challenges. Matt goes from vigilante lawyer to caretaking priest haunted by a call for justice. Watch as his old self breaks through while he faces the Sins as they challenge the core of his character. This deep character study is presented with amazing art featuring poster-worthy pages to enthrall you. The trade collection will give you part of the overall story, yet it will be enough to convert you to the power of this new creative team.
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“]] Daredevil is back with a new creative team, and questions await. Read More