The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to make billions since the debut of Iron Man in 2008. As more movies and shows are planned, a central MCU character may see a drastic change moving forward. The recent controversy could prompt Marvel to recast a major role in future productions.

Credit: Marvel

Is Kang the Conqueror Replaceable?

Following domestic violence charges in New York City, New York, many Marvel executives question whether they should replace star Jonathan Majors, 34, in future Marvel Studios projects.

Majors plays Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023). Kang the Conqueror is a supervillain who appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

Known for his expertise in time travel and time manipulation, Kang the Conqueror uses his knowledge of time and technology to rule as many as possible.

Moving forward, Kang the Conqueror was scheduled to appear in future MCU shows and movies, but this could change.

The question for Marvel executives revolves around whether they should move away from Kang the Conqueror. This would require them to look at bringing in other antagonists, such as Dr. Doom, to replace Majors’ character.

The other option would be to recast Majors as Kang the Conqueror, bringing in another actor to play the villain in future films.

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige stated that the decision around Majors is “the most pressing issue” for Marvel execs.

Credit: Marvel/Screenrant

Current Impact

As Majors awaits trial, a few decisions have been made regarding other works he has completed.

Disney has already pulled Majors’ movie Magazine Dreams, which was scheduled to be in theatres starting December 4, 2024.

Loki executive producer Kevin Wright recently reflected on Majors’ role in the current season of the show. When asked about the situation, Wright explained that dropping Majors from the current season of Loki wasn’t even a discussion.

In the season finale, which will air on November 9 on Disney+, Kang the Conqueror will be the next big thing for the franchise. Kang the Conqueror will be set up as the titular star of the fifth “Avengers” film in 2026. The new film would focus on the Kang dynasty.

So, although it seems like some are quick to put a hold on Majors’ moving forward, others are waiting to decide until they know more.

Credit: Disney Parks Blog


Majors was charged with multiple misdemeanor counts of assault and harassment in March. In June, Majors filed his own domestic violence complaint against the alleged victim. The trial is set for November 29, 2023.

Although Majors claims he is the victim, the damage to his reputation and the fear of jail time has many at Marvel Studios to think twice about him moving forward.

All of the drama and bad press for Majors comes when Marvel deals with underperforming box office films. The Marvels (2023), the sequel to Captain Marvel (2019), is scheduled to be in theatres later this month with low expectations from fans.

Many fear that if the MCU is pushed to replace Majors moving forward, it could cause an even more significant obstacle down the road for the studio’s films and shows.

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 Marvel considers recasting major role following controversy #marvel #mcu #jonathanmajors  Read More  
