Marvel Comics has announced plans for Avengers: Twilight, a new series which follows Captain America in a world where the age of heroes has ended. You can find more details, and a trailer, after the jump!

Over the years, Marvel Comics has enjoyed exploring possible futures, whether it’s the desolate Days of Future Past or the adventures of Peter Parker and Mary Jane’s daughter, Spider-Girl. 

Those are always fun to delve into – and some, like Old Man Logan, have even inspired what we’ve seen on screen – and Marvel Comics has today announced plans for Avengers: Twilight, a bold and thought-provoking new limited series which is set to arrive in comic book stores in January. 

Announced at Marvel’s “Next Big Thing Panel” at this weekend’s New York Comic Con, the superstar creative team of Chip Zdarsky and Daniel Acuña will welcome readers to the world of tomorrow where the age of heroes is over but the future still needs to be avenged.

Today, you can get your first glimpse at this new age in a trailer for Avengers: Twilight featuring never-before-seen artwork, as well as a special promotional image by Acuña.

“In a gleaming new world of prosperity, Captain America is no more,” reads the official description. “But Steve Rogers still exists, floating through an America where freedom is an illusion, where the Avengers are strangers and his friends are long dead. But is the Dream? How do you assemble Avengers in a world that doesn’t want them?”

So, Old Man Rogers? Count us in!

It’s an intriguing premise, that’s for sure, and one which should put a new spin on the Marvel Universe…which we may or may not see inspiring stories told by Marvel Studios in the not-too-distant future.

We should have more to share with you about Avengers: Twilight soon. In the meantime, you can take a first look at what promises to be one of next year’s most must-read comic book events below. 


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 Marvel Comics has announced plans for Avengers: Twilight, a new series which follows Captain America in a world where the age of heroes has ended. You can find more details, and a trailer, after the jump!  Read More  
