Zac Efron and Jeremy Allen White got jacked for their latest film about professional wrestlers. Their goal: to get some respect

Actors Jeremy Allen White (left) and Harris Dickinson (right) bulked up to play two of the Von Erich brothers in ‘The Iron Claw.’ Brian Roedel/A24

The camera zooms in on Zac Efron. At least, I believe it is Zac Efron. I’m told he’s in this movie. His name appears on the poster.

And yet, this hulking figure looks little like the Efron of memory. This man on screen, sweat rolling down his cinder-block pecs, looks like he ate “High School Musical” Efron whole. He could be Arnold Schwarzenegger’s flaxen-haired nephew. His six-pack abs are defined to the point that they look airbrushed. His chest is so broad it appears as if he swallowed a jewel safe.

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 Zac Efron and Jeremy Allen White got jacked for their latest film about professional wrestlers. Their goal: To get some respect.  Read More  
