

Deadpool & Wolverine marks the MCU’s first R-rated film, paving the way for more mature projects to thrive among fans.
The anticipation for the movie is evident, showing the demand for more adult-themed superhero content.
An R-rated adaptation of Marvel’s iconic rivalries could be a fertile ground for fan-favorite battles.

Deadpool & Wolverine is about to set a precedent as the first R-rated movie in the MCU, opening the door for several other concepts that need to happen. Deadpool & Wolverine is Marvel’s only cinematic release of 2024, and will bring Deadpool and several other famous characters from Fox’s X-Men franchise into the MCU. This has given rise to such anticipation that the movie has already broken records, with its first trailer being the most-viewed movie trailer within 24 hours. The response helps cement the notion that R-rated superhero projects are an almost surefire win among fans.

It’s not just viewership that helps to prove the appetite for R-rated projects. While Deadpool & Wolverine will be the MCU’s first R-rated movie, the MCU has already dipped its toe into R-rated series with Echo and the recently canon-confirmed Defenders Saga. These are among the most highly-rated Marvel projects, with the freedom to depict heavy scenes and more adult humor being boons for their stories. With that in mind, the studio could stand to lean further into the adult themes. Thankfully for Marvel, there is no shortage of other stories for it to adapt when it comes to this topic.


Deadpool & Wolverine: Release Date, Story, Trailer & Everything We Know

Marvel Studios is making Deadpool 3 as part of the MCU. Here’s everything we know about the R-rated sequel starring Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson.

10 An R-Rated Wolverine Vs Hulk Has Been An MCU Dream For Years

Wolverine And Hulk Fight A Lot In Marvel Comics

One of the most exciting parts of the second Deadpool & Wolverine trailer was hearing Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine drop f-bombs with reckless abandon. But it’s not just his plain-speaking persona that can thrive in an R-rated property (as Deadpool & Wolverine will also no doubt depict), as his brutality when deploying a rage-fueled flurry of claws can also be amply catered to. With that in mind, an R-rated rendition of one of Marvel’s most prolific rivalries is particularly fertile ground and one that fans have sought for years.

Hulk is one of Marvel’s most powerful heroes, while Wolverine’s healing factor makes him nigh-invincible. The unstoppable force vs. immovable object paradox has played out plenty of times in the comics, with one of the most iconic panels showing the particularly gruesome bisection of Wolverine at the hands of the Jade Giant. Ruffalo’s Smart Hulk and Jackman’s aging Logan are highly unlikely to star in such a movie – but the rumored soft reboot of the MCU could be just the place to have this iconic battle finally materialize.

9 An R-Rated Dark Avengers Movie Could Be Just The Right Thunderbolts Follow-Up

The Dark Avengers Have No Moral Qualms

The Dark Avengers are a team of antiheroes who don’t harbor the same moral hangups as their more virtuous namesake. Instead of doling out justice with restraint, the team formed by Norman Osborne and comprising such transient members as Skaar, Bullseye, and Sentry have been known to do so with extreme prejudice. Given the Avengers aren’t above killing, the extent of the Dark Avengers’ heavy-handedness can likely only be facilitated within an R-rated outing.

Recently, the Thunderbolts’ self-titled movie gained the asterisk that Kevin Feige refuses to explain until after the movie has released. This has led to speculation that the asterisk may precede a retitle, potentially revealing that the Thunderbolts themselves become the Dark Avengers. If this happens in-movie, then the R-rating is a pipe dream, but a potential sequel with the Dark Avengers throwing themselves into their roles could still be on the cards.

8 An R-Rated MCU Midnight Sons Movie Would Bring Underused Characters Into The Spotlight

The Midnight Sons Surround The Occult

The Midnight Sons is a superhero team comprising distinctly supernatural members such as Blade, Ghost Rider, and Man-Thing. Their origins are rooted in the occult, with their primary nemesis being the Mother of All Demons, Lilith. With such shadowy origins steeped in demonic lore, a horror-tinged R-rated outing could be just the ticket for their arrival.

A handful of established MCU characters have joined the team in the comics, including Wong, Elsa Bloodstone, Moon Knight, and Doctor Strange. This opens the door for a potential adaptation down the line, though it is highly unlikely that Marvel will deliver such a story pre-reboot. Instead, Marvel could use the fact that several members have yet to be introduced to the MCU as an opportunity to do so with a memorable R-rated foray into supernatural territory in a post-Secret Wars world.

Morbius is a central member of the Midnight Sons, making the team’s MCU debut less likely while Sony still holds the distribution rights to the character.

7 An R-Rated Punisher Movie Can Depict Frank Castle At His Most Powerful

Punisher Only Works Within An R-Rating

Of the characters that starred in the Defenders Saga, Frank Castle was arguably the biggest excuse for their R-rating. Like Deadpool, Punisher’s limitless proclivity for extreme violence is a fundamental part of his character, and a Punisher-focused project that does not carry a mature certification would be somewhat lacking. Punisher’s comic book career is steeped in violence as he tears through the occupants of the Marvel universe with extreme vengeance after the murder of his family.

Every live-action outing in which he has starred has kept to these parameters so far. While these have been largely ill-fated in the cinematic sphere, John Bernthal’s rendition of the character in the Defenders Saga and his self-titled series has become the paradigmatic rendition. So much so, in fact, that Marvel could easily get away with having Bernthal star in his own cinematic outing, even if alongside one of his few compatriots – with the important stipulation that it must be within an R-rated story.

6 Howard The Duck Has Been Waiting In The Wings

Howard The Duck Needs Redemption

While Punisher mirrors the R-rated violence of Deadpool, Howard the Duck embodies his R-rated humor. Howard the Duck is an absurdist Marvel character whose brand of comedy would thrive in a mature satirical movie in the same vein as the widely lauded Kick-Ass. One of his best-rated comic book runs, “Howard the Duck MAX,” was written with a more mature audience in mind, and indicates how well the character can work in such a setting.

So far, Howard the Duck has appeared only in cameo roles, but the fact that he exists at all is a promising sign for a potential MCU adaptation.

Howard the Duck holds the accolade of starring in the first feature film based on a Marvel character; an achievement quashed by the fact that it remains one of Marvel’s worst-rated movies. The MCU, meanwhile, has a proven track record of demonstrating the firmer grasp it has on its own characters, making the possibility of a Seth Green-led Howard the Duck spinoff all the more appealing to redeem the anthropomorphic duck’s image. So far, Howard the Duck has appeared only in cameo roles, but the fact that he exists at all is a promising sign for a potential MCU adaptation.

5 An R-Rated Ghost Rider Would Maximize His Impact On The MCU

Ghost Rider’s Cool Factor Could Increase Significantly

An R-rated Ghost Rider movie isn’t necessary to introduce the character to the MCU, but the Spirit of Vengeance easily lends itself to that age rating. Even if various Ghost Rider iterations can be suitably toned down to fit the MCU’s standard PG-13 rating, there are a litany of gruesome Ghost Rider villains alone that could only be done justice within an R-rated project. With that being said, Ghost Rider’s singleminded and violent pursuit of justice could work well in a movie rated similarly to Punisher’s.

Nicholas Cage, who portrayed Johnny Blaze in
Ghost Rider
, has himself expressed that Ghost Rider should be portrayed in an R-rated movie.

An R-rated Ghost Rider debut movie is unlikely given the character’s mass appeal and the enthusiasm for his appearance. Precluding younger audiences is particularly consequential for Marvel Studios – but that doesn’t mean Ghost Rider would not benefit from a no-holds-barred setting. While an MCU Ghost Rider is rumored to be on the slate, this will probably be a PG-13 outing like its predecessor.

4 Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Could Still Happen

Any One Of Deadpool’s Sequels Could See Him Kill Everyone

If Deadpool’s “Marvel Jesus” line is anything to go by, Deadpool & Wolverine looks like it may hinge on Deadpool “saving” the MCU. This flies in the face of one of Deadpool’s most infamous comic book runs, where he slays every Marvel character instead. Every Deadpool movie has been R-rated so far, so an R-rated adaptation of this particular plot, in which Deadpool kills every Marvel character over the space of 4 issues, would simply be par for the course if not more necessary.

Between Deadpool & Wolverine and Avengers: Secret Wars, the MCU doesn’t seem to be shying away from expanding its horizons to sprawling ensemble casts featuring multiple established characters. Deadpool’s future is unclear beyond Deadpool & Wolverine, but provided the character can still operate within a multiverse post-Avengers: Secret Wars, there is ample room for Marvel to adapt this iconic comic run. To do so around the time of a rumored soft reboot might even be cathartic, while still ensuring Deadpool is the star of his own movie.

Hulk Needs A Deeper Solo Movie

Despite being one of the treasured founding members of the Avengers, Hulk’s MCU tenure has seen his power be significantly nerfed in comparison to his comic book counterpart; especially the Hulk that appears in the Immortal Hulk run of comics. It is here that Bruce Banner gives way to the most powerful incarnation of Hulk to date: Devil Hulk. It is also here that Hulk really delves into mature themes – including, most pertinently, his deeply disturbed mental state, the preceding circumstances that brought him there, and his exceptionally troubled relationship with Hulk.

While there is an appetite for a World War Hulk adaptation, Immortal Hulk provides a more nuanced take on the character that an R rating could do justice.

An adaptation of the Immortal Hulk run would redeem Hulk within the MCU. It would, however, have to occur in a post-reboot setting, and even potentially position him as a villain. Given the Hulk has been a part of the MCU since the very beginning, having him step out of the spotlight and into a brand-new iteration helps to justify a brand-new take on the character that delves into R-rated themes. While there is an appetite for a World War Hulk adaptation, Immortal Hulk provides a more nuanced take on the character that an R rating could do justice.

2 An R-Rated Marvel Zombies Will Finally Shake Up The Genre

Marvel Zombies Would Be Incredibly Refreshing

Marvel Zombies is already being adapted into a four-episode animated show, though the release date is to be confirmed. The fact that this show is rated TV-MA (the TV equivalent of an R-rating) bodes well, as the show’s director Bryan Andrews promised “hardcore” themes with plenty of death. This gels with the themes of the distinctly mature comic on which it is based, which sees Marvel’s countless heroes and villains succumb to a zombie plague while maintaining their litany of powers.

The premise is strong enough, with the zombie horror genre being one of the most timeless and fittingly long-lasting in cinema, but the success of Marvel Zombies on Disney + could give way to a live-action adaptation down the line. This would only work within an R-rating, as both the comic on which it is based and zombie movies as a whole are inherently terrifying and uniquely gruesome concepts. Doing so would secure a brand new string to Marvel’s bow as it can tick the “zombie movie” genre box in its efforts to combat superhero fatigue.

Marvel Could Explore Darker And More Poignant Stories

While Marvel’s infamous “Ruins” remains the most harrowing and depressing comic book runs set within the Marvel Universe, a more cinema-friendly take on a similar concept could arise with its “1 Month 2 Live” comic. The story follows Dennis Sykes, who gains both superpowers and terminal cancer from contact with toxic waste. Given just one month to live, it follows his attempts to wield his powers to make as much of a positive impact as possible on the world. Lauded as one of Marvel’s most nuanced and grounded stories, it could become a particularly memorable R-rated Marvel movie.

“1 Month 2 Live” would be a uniquely fresh take on a Marvel concept. While there is a smattering of satirical superhero movies in the ether such as Hancock and Kick-Ass, a similar move by Marvel in the form of one of its own stories would be a bold step in a direction that could win over a large swathe of audiences who are otherwise uninterested in the superhero genre as a whole. Despite the franchise being around for nearly two decades, an adaptation of this story could probably stand to emerge from an even more well-established MCU.

Key Release Dates

Deadpool & Wolverine

Thunderbolts (2025)

The Fantastic Four (2025)

Blade (2025)

Avengers: The Kang Dynasty

Avengers: Secret Wars

“}]] Deadpool & Wolverine is just the beginning.  Read More  
