Tom Hiddleston is one of the longest standing performers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, having played the mischievous villain-turned-hero Loki since 2011’s Thor. He is perhaps second only to Samuel L. Jackson, who first donned Nick Fury’s eyepatch in the post-credit scene in Iron Man three years earlier.
But after 14 years and a hell of a lot of character development over several movies and his own TV show (not to mention at least two separate timeline versions of the God of Mischief), it looks like the actor is getting ready to say goodbye to Loki.
During a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon, Hiddleston reflected on the Loki finale and, without giving away any spoilers for fans, explained how it effectively closes the book on his character, and why right now might be the perfect moment for him to walk away from Marvel.
“I will say this, it all comes full circle,” he said. “It’s the conclusion to Seasons 1 and 2, and it’s also the conclusion to six films and 12 episodes and 14 years of my life. 14 years. I was 29 when I was cast, I’m 42 now. It’s been a journey.”
“In the finale, there are echoes and resonances of every version of Loki I’ve played,” he continued, getting into the titular “Glorious Purpose” of the finale and how it echoes the growth Loki has gone through, and what viewers can take from that.
“I think we all wonder if we’re in charge of our own story,” he continued. “Can a leopard change his spots? Do we have any free will? And in exercising your free will, you make choices in your own life… every choice you make adds up to the picture of your life. And do those choices inform your purpose? And I think all of us, as people, want happy lives but we also want lives with a purpose. And that’s really what the show is talking about.”
Philip Ellis is News Editor at Men’s Health, covering fitness, pop culture, sex and relationships, and LGBTQ+ issues. His work has appeared in GQ, Teen Vogue, Man Repeller and MTV, and he is the author of Love & Other Scams.