Variety recently took aim at Marvel Studios and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but several reliable sources have since cast doubt on the trade’s claims, suggesting it may be an orchestrated hit piece.

Yesterday, Variety published a piece about Marvel Studios’ recent misfortunes. Adorning the cover of the site’s latest issue, the story sets out to get across the fact that all is not well in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

When it comes to the trades, people tend to trust what they have to say because, unlike supposed scoopers and insiders, they have legitimate sources. However, people are now casting doubt on the validity of the story due to the fact it was written by controversial journalist Tatiana Siegel. 

A quick Google search reveals that Siegel has come under fire on several occasions, while one fan has rounded up just some of the reasons they believe the information shared in this report shouldn’t be trusted. 

Has Siegel penned an anti-Marvel hit piece? That’s not for us to decide, though many reporters and social media personalities are casting doubt on Variety’s claims about both Blade and The Marvels

Collider, for example, claims, “We have heard this report is not true and she was very much involved in the editing process while based in London.” Even a former Blade writer was left scratching his head over the suggestion the Daywalker had been made a supporting character in his own movie. 

Having combed through our archives, even the story’s scoops – Doctor Doom, the return of the original six Avengers, and talk of a female-led Blade movie – can be traced back to Reddit posts and scoopers. One insider even argues Variety has sensationalized those rumours to appeal to a certain segment of its audience. 

There’s a definite anti-superhero narrative being pushed among certain outlets and reporters in Hollywood, with some seemingly trying to will the genre out of existence like Thanos decimated half of all life in the universe in Avengers: Infinity War

It’s all up for debate at the moment but there are problems in Marvel Studios that, as of now, it seems Kevin Feige is attempting to address. 

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 Variety recently took aim at Marvel Studios and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but several reliable sources have since cast doubt on the trade’s claims, suggesting it may be an orchestrated hit piece.  Read More  
